8 May 2012

Safe Driving Tips for YOU

Adjust Side Mirrors to See Blind Spot
Tilt side mirrors out away from your vehicle, to reduce your blind spot. “Most of us like the side mirrors positioned so we can see the edge of our vehicle,” says Andy. “Professional truckers keep their side mirrors positioned 90 degrees from the vehicle and tip their head to glance at traffic and catch site of their own vehicle.” Andy advised that if it’s too uncomfortable to adjust mirrors out all the way, then do it in stages. 
Using a Cell Phone while Driving = Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Andy also shared that vehicle accident rates show that using a cell phone while driving is the equivalent to driving while under the influence of alcohol; the rates a virtually the same. This shocking fact caused a shuffle in the audience. VPSI, like California, does not allow drivers to use cell phones while driving. (California law does allow phone usage with a hands-free head set.)

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